There will be several events during Holy week that you’ll want to put in your calendars and plan for. First off, we’re participating in a Community Good Friday service on Friday Evening (April 22). Pastor Jones will be giving the message that night, and a team from our church will be leading worship. Secondly, on Easter Sunday we’ll be having a free breakfast at 8:30 am, a worship service at 10am, and an Easter Egg Hunt immediately following the service at 11:30am. This is sure to be an exciting holiday and would be a great time to invite unchurched friends and family members!
Friday, April 22
7pm – Good Friday Service
(Cornerstone Community Church – 40413 N. Delany Rd, Wadsworth, IL)
Sunday, April 24
8:30am Free Breakfast
10am Worship Service
11:30am Easter Egg Hunt