Posts from 2019

“Patching the Potholes”
Pastor George gave a message titled, “Patching the Potholes” on Sunday, December 29, 2019. This message comes from the book of Philemon.

“The Wonder of the Christmas Story”
On December 22, 2019, Pastor George gave a message titled, “The Wonder of the Christmas Story”.

“The God Who is Right Here”
On Sunday, December 15, 2019, Pastor George gave a message titled, “The God Who is Right Here”, following our Christmas program that showed the Gospel’s power to change lives.

Pastor George gave the second message in his Advent series titled, “Preparation”, on December 8, 2019.

“Patience! Waiting!”
Sunday, December 1, was the First Sunday in Advent. Pastor George gave the first of three Advent sermons for this season with a message titled, “Patience! Waiting!”

Jorge Flores
On Sunday, November 24, 2019, Jorge Flores ministered to us. Jorge and his wife, Jessica, are about to depart to Panama where they will will be partnering with local churches to train children’s ministry leaders and assist children’s ministries in existing church plants. You can connect with Jorge & Jessica via their facebook page:

“A Little Black Book”
Pastor George continued his series on 1 Timothy with a message titled, “A Little Black Book”, on Sunday, November 17, 2019.

“Persecution is Real”
On Sunday, November 10, 2019, we set recognized the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.

Andy Opie
On Sunday, November 3, 2019, Andy Opie gave the message.

“Train Yourself for Discipleship”
Pastor George gave a message titled, “Train Yourself for Discipleship”, on October 27, 2019. This was a continuation from his series on First Timothy.