This morning Christmas trees are lit, wreaths and banners are hung, and an Advent wreath with candle is also lit. Why decorate so early, you ask? Because today marks the beginning of the season when we recall Christ’s coming, two thousand years ago, to planet earth.
If you ever have the thought, as I occasionally do, “How do I know my faith is really true?” you are not alone. Most of us have occasional doubts about the reality of our faith. But Christmas is a time to review the facts – Jesus Christ was a real person who lived during an actual time in history. No one can dispute His existence, though many dispute his claims. The Apostle John said this about him,
“The Word became flesh and lived among us. We gazed on his glory, the kind of glory that belongs to the Father’s unique Son, who is full of grace and truth.” John 1:14 (International Standard Version, 2008)
What this actual point in history has to do with us in 2009 is what we will be considering over the next month. If Christ is who He says He is, then His coming to earth has extreme relevance for our lives in 2009. It is my hope that this truth will challenge and encourage us this season.