Posts by Nathan (Page 15)

“The Real Thing”
On Sunday, January 7, 2018, Pastor George started a new series on Discipleship with a message titled, “The Real Thing”.

“Time For A Reboot”
In the final day of 2017, Pastor George spoke on the opportunity we have to Reboot or Restart! This message was given on Sunday, December 31, 2017.

“Fear Not”
On Sunday, December 14, 2017, Pastor George gave a Christmas Eve message titled, “Fear Not”.

“Making it Feel Like Christmas”
Pastor George’s message from December 17, 2017, titled, “Making it Feel Like Christmas”.

“From the Cradle to the Cross”
Pastor George’s message from our Christmas Program on Sunday, December 10, 2017, titled, “From the Cradle to the Cross”.

“Remember the Persecuted Church”
Pastor George’s message from Sunday, November 26, 2017, titled, “Remember the Persecuted Church”.

Christmas at Family Life Church
A Christmas Presentation, featuring Family Life Church children and youth is happening on Sunday, December 10th at 10am. On Sunday, December 17 and Christmas Eve, December 24, we will have 9am GROW Classes & a 10am Worship Service.

CiCOff, Jester for the King – December 3
“The True Meaning of Christmas” Come, experience the emotion and artistry of CiCOff as he uses the ageless, ancient skills of physical theater and juggling to re-tell one of the most important stores of this or any other time – the birth of Christ! Sunday, December 3 at 10am Family Life Church, Waukegan, IL

Thanksgiving Eve Message
On Thanksgiving Eve, November 22, 2017, Andy Opie gave a message on thankfulness.

“Heaven is My Home”
In his final message from his series on Heaven and Hell, Pastor George gave a message titled, “Heaven is My Home” on November 19, 2017.