Posts by Nathan (Page 26)

Posts by Nathan (Page 26)

Christmas Caroling

Is your larynx in working order? Also known as a “voice box”, your larynx enables you to speak, shout, squeak, and sing. In other words, to make joyful sounds! Once a year we have a chance to make sounds that proclaim God’s coming to Earth. It doesn’t even take much courage to do this! Join us on Sunday, December 20 at 3:30pm for Christmas Caroling at GlenLake Terrace Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (directions). It just takes a working larynx and…

Message: International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

November 1, is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. That morning, Pastor George gave a message about the persecuted church and showed a video from Naghmeh Abedini, the wife of imprisoned Pastor Saeed Abedini. The letter Pastor Saeed wrote to his daughter (that Pastor George mentioned in the message) can be read HERE. You can view Naghmeh Abedini’s video below: