Posts by Nathan (Page 31)

2015 Annual Meeting
Our Annual Church Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 8, immediately after the morning service. Part of the business of the meeting will be to elect three new council members to replace three whose terms are expiring. The following five people graciously accepted the nomination by the church council to run for these three openings: Tom Commons, Aksana Jones, Karen Meintzer, Georgia Mullins and Bill Walters. Be praying that God leads and please don’t miss this important meeting!

Message: “To Believe or Not To Believe”
On January 25, 2015, Pastor Jones gave the second in his series on Walking By Faith titled, ” To Believe or Not To Believe, That is the Question!”

Message: “Don’t Give Up”
Pastor Jones’ message from Sunday, January 18, 2015 titled, “Don’t Give Up”.

Message: George Cline
On Sunday, January 11, 2015, George Cline from Foursquare Missions International shared the morning message.

Message: Bill Walters
On Sunday, January 4, 2015, Bill Walters gave the Sunday Morning message.

Message: “The Only Way to Survive the Storms”
Pastor Jones’ message from December 28, 2014, titled, “The Only Way to Survive the Storms”.

“Better Than Santa!”
On December 21, 2014, Pastor Jones gave the fourth Advent message titled, “Better Than Santa!”

Message: “Pulling the Curtain Back on God!”
Pastor Jones’ message from December 14, 2014, titled, “Pulling the Curtain Back on God!”

Message: “God is Not Aloof – He Cares!”
Sunday, December 7, 2014, Beth Jones gave the morning message titled, “God is Not Aloof – He Cares!”

Message: “God Always Keeps His Word”
Pastor Jones’ Advent message from November 30, 2014, titled, “God Always Keeps His Word”.