Posts by Nathan (Page 32)

Message: “How Great is Our God!”
Pastor Jones’ final message in his series on Worship titled, “How Great is Our God!” From November 23, 2014.

Message: “We Can Worship Because God is Good”
The seventh in Pastor Jones’ eight week message series on Worship titled, “We Can Worship Because God is Good”. From November 16, 2014.

Message: “How Can I Worship When…”
Pastor Jones’ message from November 2, 2014, titled, “How Can I Worship When…”.

Join us Sunday, November 9, as special guest, Cicoff once again joins us! Cicoff is a performer and communicator extraordinaire, who has an exceptional ability to capture the attention of today’s visually oriented society. His high-energy and entertaining presentations are a perfect blend of instruction, insight and artistic expression that will leave the audience with an unforgettable experience. This will be a great time to invite friends to our service, especially kids!

Bless A Missionary Family this Christmas!
November 2 – November 23, we will be receiving a special Christmas offering for our missionary families! You can simply designate your gift “FMI CHRISTMAS GIFT” and place it in the offering. You may also send a Christmas card or a video greeting to a missionary at:

Message: “I Am Who I Am”
On Sunday, October 26, 2014, Mark Jones gave the morning message titled, “I Am Who I Am”.

Message: “Worship Trouble”
On Sunday, October 19, 2014, Pastor Jones gave his fifth message on worship, titled, “Worship Trouble”.

Set Apart Motherhood Conference
Set apart motherhood means diligently seeking to become the mothers God has called us to be, one step at a time. Our job is not to try to become supermoms or Proverbs 31 women in our own strength. Our job is to surrender to God without reserve and to trust Him with every detail of this heavenly calling. No matter how ill-equipped you may feel as a mother, God has a beautiful purpose for your motherhood role, and He desires…

Message: John Gallagher
On Sunday, October 12, 2014, John Gallagher from the Gideon organization shared the morning message.

Message: “Familiarity Breeds Contempt”
Pastor Jones’ fourth message in a series on Worship, titled, “Familiarity Breeds Contempt” from October 5, 2014.