Posts by Nathan (Page 49)

Sermon: “Job’s Perseverance”
The Sunday sermon from April 29, 2012 by Pastor Jones titled, “Job’s Perseverance”.

Sermon: “A Watered-Down Sermon”
The Sunday sermon from April 22, 2012 by Pastor Jones titled, “A Watered-Down Sermon”.

Sermon: David Zumwalt
The sermon from April 15, 2012 by David Zumwalt.

Sermon: Resurrection Day
The Easter Sunday Sermon from April 8, 2012. The sermon was given by Pastor Jones and is titled, “Everything You Need to Know”.

Men’s Gathering – September 21
Men, the Heartland District Men’s Gathering (September 21-22, 2012) has an Early-Bird Special of $125. You can make checks payable to FLC and give them SOON to Pastor George, to get this rate. Last year there were 250 men—we are certain of 400 this year. Do not miss out! Bring your sons (high school and up)! Bring your father!

Sermon: Palm Sunday
The Palm Sunday Sermon from April 1, 2012 by Pastor Jones.

Passion Week
Passion Week is the most important celebration of the year for Jesus’ followers! Below is our schedule for this week. These events would be perfect for inviting friends to!! – Community Good Friday Service – Friday, April 6 (7:00 pm) – Early Prayer – Saturday, April 7 (7:30-8:30 am) – Resurrection Day Breakfast – Sunday, April 8 (8:30 am) (No GROW groups) – Resurrection Day Worship – Sunday, April 8 (10am) – Easter Egg hunt for children 11 & under…

Good Friday Service
You are invited to our annual Community Good Friday Service, April 6th at 7:00 p.m. It will be held at Cornerstone Community Church (40413 North Delany Rd. in Wadsworth, IL). This is a wonderful gathering of several different churches in the area. Our church is performing a drama in this event.

Spaghetti Fundraiser – April 1
On Sunday, April 1, following the service, join us for a Spaghetti Lunch Fundraiser in the gym! Enjoy a fantastic lunch, lots of great fellowship, plus help support our kids who want to go to camp this summer. The meal is free, but cash donations will be delightfully accepted!

Sermon: “Sexuality Series Conclusion” (Sexuality Series #5)
The Sermon from March 18, 2012 by Pastor Jones. This is the last message of the five-part Sexuality series. The book mentioned in the sermon is titled, “Fatal Attractions” by Jack Hayford and is available from Amazon.