Posts by Nathan (Page 52)

Character Assassination of God
We are accustomed to character assassination. The media loves to jump on a rising star (particularly a conservative who aspires to public office) and find serious flaws in their character or life. In this world, there is NO ONE who has their character assassinated more than God. He is accused of delighting in causing suffering of every kind, as though He delights in human suffering. How often have you heard someone blame God for tragedy? How often have you been…

Advent Season
There are lots of events going on this Christmas season and we want you to be able to participate in as many of them as possible! For that reason, we’re making this page available for you to easily look and see what’s up next. The following events are coming up – make sure they’re on your calendar! November 26 – 12pm (Noon) – Church Christmas Decorating November 27 – 10am – Service (1st Sunday in Advent) December 4 – 10am…

Talent Wanted – Christmas Program
YOU are the featured artist, Sunday, December 18, at 10:00 am for Family Life’s annual Christmas Program! That’s right, you are invited to prepare a song, dramatic portion, or other creative rendering. Requirements: 1) It must focus on Christ’s coming to earth at Christmas and 2) It must not go beyond 5 minutes in length. Ask God for creative ideas and then sign up on the Sign-Up Sheet on the foyer table!

Holiday Diaper Drive
As a SPECIAL HOLIDAY DRIVE, we are asking you to make a diligent effort to buy extra diapers for moms in our community during December. We want to create a “Mountain of Diapers for FRCZ” which will then be delivered to them in January. Bring the diapers to the church any Sunday through January 1st and contribute to this exciting opportunity!

Thanksgiving Eve Service
Join us for our annual Thanksgiving Eve Service, Wednesday, November 23 at 7:00 pm. Discover the real reason for the Thanksgiving Holiday! “Oh, that these men would praise the Lord for his loving-kindness, and for all of his wonderful deeds! For he satisfies the thirsty soul and fills the hungry soul with good.” Psalm 107:8-9 TLB Pie and coffee will be served afterwards!

Family Resource Center Speaker
On November 13, 2011, we had a very special speaker speak to our congregation from the Family Resource Center of Zion. Last year, this young woman found herself pregnant, in desperate need of help and guidance and seeking an abortion. Through the counseling and prayers of the center’s director, Brenda Benegas, this woman not only decided to keep her child but also met Jesus Christ and began a relationship with Him. This is the kind of story that gets repeated…

Family Resource Center of Zion
On November 20, we will be having Judy Stall, from the Voice of the Martyrs here with us. VOM’s mission is to serve the persecuted church through practical and spiritual assistance while leading Christians in the free world to support their persecuted brothers and sisters. You don’t want to miss this special opportunity to hear about our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world today and how you can help them! Join us on Sunday, November 13, when we will…

VOM Speaker
On November 20, we will be having Judy Stall, from the Voice of the Martyrs here with us. VOM’s mission is to serve the persecuted church through practical and spiritual assistance while leading Christians in the free world to support their persecuted brothers and sisters. You don’t want to miss this special opportunity to hear about our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world today and how you can help them!

Pastor’s Appreciation Sunday
Sunday, October 30, will be Pastor’s Appreciation Sunday at Family Life Church. You may plan to bring a dish to pass for a luncheon, following the service. See Amor DeLeon or Linda & Bill Walters for more details!

Tres Cruses Church Fundraiser
The “Kill the Fattened Calf” fundraiser will be held on Sunday, October 9, at 6:00 pm. This will be a free dinner event, complete with entertainment for children & adults that you don’t want to miss out on! Donations will be accepted to benefit the new house for the pastor in Tres Cruses, Philippines. We have been working for one year to raise funds to build this house and we hope to begin construction in 2012!