Posts by Nathan (Page 55)

20-Somethings Night of Worship
If you’re between 20 and 29 and looking for something to do next Sunday Night (3/20), join us! We’re going to worship and fellowship together at the church at 6pm. Our desire is to start a brand-new ministry aimed directly at this age group, and we want you to be involved with it. Whether you’re new to the church or have been going here a long time, this would be a great time to get involved and get connected with…

Spaghetti Dinner
After church on Sunday, March 27, everyone is invited to a Spaghetti Lunch in the gym. Enjoy a fantastic lunch, lots of great fellowship, plus help support our kids who want to go to camp this summer! The meal is free, but we are asking for donations for Summer Camp.

FRCZ Needs Summer Baby Clothes!
Ladies, as you are shopping and notice sales . . . keep in mind that the Family Resource Center of Zion (FRCZ) could use summer baby clothes (through size #3). We have a monthly collection for FRCZ and it would be fantastic if we could bless lots of single moms with clothes for their little ones!

Have you been Baptized?
If you have never been baptized in water . . . what’s stopping you? Pastor George would be happy to discuss it with you. Call the church office at 847.336.0664. Like the Ethiopian eunuch said in Acts 8:36, “Look, here is water. Why shouldn’t I be baptized?”

My True Valentine
My True Valentine “He had equal status with God but didn’t think so much of himself that he had to cling to the advantages of that status no matter what. Not at all. When the time came, he set aside the privileges of deity and took on the status of a slave, and became human! Having become human, he stayed human. It was an incredibly humbling process. He didn’t claim special privileges. Instead, he lived a selfless, obedient life and…

Annual Business Meeting
The annual business meeting of our church will be held on Sunday, February 13, following the morning worship service. Besides updating you on the affairs of our church, we will be electing a few people to the church council. Two people have accepted nominations: Ruben Valdez & Nathan Jones. If you are not a member of Family Life Church and would like to be, please contact the church office. There are three basic requirements: you must be in agreement with…

Day of Prayer
On January 29, the next “When We Pray” prayer event will be held in Waukegan. From The Sign of the Dove Church, Christians from all over the county will gather together in prayer for this area, nation, and world. This quarterly event will begin at 9am and go until 12 noon. The church is located here.

The Persecuted Church
Dear Church, We try to keep you apprised of the persecution of Christians around the world. The Bible tells us to remember those who are imprisoned as though we ourselves were suffering. Increasingly reports of the persecution of believers are being reported in mainstream news, which is excellent! Persecution is getting much more attention. Just today there was a report with a video on CNN.COM. I am sending you the link. It specifically mentions severe persecution in Iraq and in…

No G.R.O.W. Classes This Sunday
In light of the Christmas holiday the day before, there will be no G.R.O.W. classes on Sunday, December 26. We will be having a 10am service, but that will be the only event taking place that day.

Giving Gifts Out of Obligation?
For some of us at this time of year, every time we pass it, we “toss a coin into the kettle.” We feel a pang of guilt if we don’t (especially if our carts or arms happen to be overflowing with shopping bags). We “toss our coin” out of a sense of obligation. I wonder–do we do the same with some people on our “gift list?” Whether loved ones or friends, do we sometimes find ourselves giving, only out of…