Posts by Nathan (Page 58)
MW Youth Space Construction
On May 29, 2010, the Family Life Church council unanimously approved the funding and construction for a new (existing) space for the Most Wanted Youth Group. Located in the lower level of the Washington Street facility, this area (which is almost as large as the previous square footage of the church sanctuary on Chestnut Street) will be completely gutted of existing materials and a new space built. Highlights of the new space include: -16′ Coffee bar with sink, appliances -Full…

Memorial Day Weekend
This weekend we commemorate all U.S. servicemen and servicewomen who have given their lives on behalf of this nation. We are grateful to God for their sacrifices in order that we might have the freedoms we enjoy and all-too-often take for granted.

What’s the Big Deal about Easter?
Welcome to Family Life Church this Easter Sunday morning! You are not alone in coming to church today. According to conservative estimates, there are 2.1 billion Christians around the world. That means that, today, millions and millions of people (like you and me) are sitting in crowded churches, beside family, friends and even strangers, singing songs, praying, and listening to sermons. But why do people do this? What is the big deal about Easter, anyway? The big deal is this…

Philippines Updates
Did you know that Pastor George and Pastor Herman (and their wives) are currently in the Philippines? From April 19 – May 1, both couples are over there, ministering to the church we planted in Tres Cruses, Cavite. On Monday, April 20, Pastor George and Beth were greeted by a special celebration at the church’s VBS program. On Saturday, April 24, Lady Beth will be speaking at the graduation ceremony for the VBS Program. On Sunday, April 25, Pastor George…

Who Are We? Class
Are you new to Family Life Church? Have you been here a while but have questions about how things are done? Then you would benefit from sitting in on Pastor George’s Who Are We? Class! Beginning Sunday, May 9, (for four weeks through May 30) from 8:45-9:45am, it’s an informal time of getting to know our church better!

Day of Prayer
The next Lake County Day of Prayer will be held on Saturday, April 17, at Revial Temple in Waukegan. This prayer gathering will be held from 9am to 1pm, and will include worship and prayer for our County, or Nation, and our World!

Resurrection Day
On the weekend of April 2-4, we will be celebrating Jesus’ death and resurrection in a very special way! On Friday, April 2, we will be participating in a community-wide Good Friday service at Cornerstone Community Church in Wadsworth, IL (MAP). Then, on Easter Sunday Morning at 8:30am we will have a free breakfast in our gymnasium, followed by a worship service in our sanctuary at 10am. You don’t want to miss these special events as we celebrate that HE…

reThink Young Adult Conference
The rethink (un)conference: the first annual Foursquare Heartland district’s young adult weekend getaway. We’ll be converging from Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin to reThink: God. Church. Self. It is a movement of young people that desire to follow Christ through their interests, desires and individual identity. The 2010 reThink (un)conference begins on Friday, March 19 at 8pm and ends on Sunday, March 21 at noon. The reThink (un)conference will meet at Camp Hickory (Ingleside, IL). The 2 day…

Baptism Service
A Baptism service is planned for Sunday, February 21. If you have never been baptized and would like to be, please mention your desire to Pastor George. Baptism is a very important step in following Jesus: “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned” (Mark 16:16-17 NIV).

Haiti Relief
Getting Involved PRAY: Periodic updates on the Haiti disaster and relief efforts will be sent via the Foursquare Prayer Force Update. Sign up for the updates at: GIVE: To give to Foursquare disaster relief, make your checks payable to Family Life Church and designate them for “Foursquare Relief–Haiti”. In addition, you can give online through Foursquare or Samaritan’s Purse. GO: To arrange to go to Haiti with Foursquare teams, contact David Wheeler at: In addition to staying informed…