Posts by Nathan (Page 62)

Status of the Building Purchase
As you know, we were supposed to “close” on the purchase of the Shelia Daniels building on April 15. The closing has been delayed because of ongoing inspections and requirements that Foursquare is requesting. The Sign of the Dove, owners of the property, have graciously extended the deadline for closing. I would like to see us close by May 15. Please keep this in regular prayer. –Pastor George Jones

Holy Week
This year’s Holy Week Events include: Friday, April 10 – 7pm Community Good Friday Service (Cornerstone Community Church) Sunday, April 12 – 8:30 am Breakfast in Gym (all invited, no charge) Sunday, April 12 – 10am Worship Service

Are You Passionate for the Passion?
It is A.D. 2009 with Holy Week less than two weeks away. Are you feeling excited? Millions of Christians worldwide will recall the events from around A.D. 30 — the crucifixion, burial and resurrection from the dead of Jesus Christ. Now, more than ever, in the midst of global crises, Christians will gather together to worship the Living God. Why? Because this God was willing to sacrifice Himself in order to rescue messed-up, selfish, hopeless people who are powerless in…

Day of Prayer
The next WHEN WE PRAY, Saturday, April 18, will be a little different! There will be a shortened general time of prayer, from 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. After that a Prayer Conference will be held (which includes lunch) and lasts until 2:15 p.m. This event takes place at Chain-O-Lakes Community Bible church in Lake Villa. Cost (for the conference) is $8 at the door. The whole day will be worthwhile, but if your time is limited, plan to come…

“Who Are We?” Class
Sunday mornings from April 19 – May 10, Pastor George will be leading a “Who Are We?” class. The purpose of this class is to introduce people to our church and what we believe. Topics include the history of Foursquare (our denomination), what we believe, how decisions are made, and how finances are handled. There will be lots of time for questions. All are welcome, and there will be no commitment required (you won’t be asked to join our church,…

On Economic Issues, from Jack Hayford
Dear Church, I know there is a great deal of concern in every circle about economic realities in the United States and throughout the world. These matters are touching very close to home, with many of us being personally affected. It is important that we maintain a Godly perspective so that we can have all of the peace that children of God may expect to have (Isaiah 26:3). The president of the Foursquare Church, Pastor Jack Hayford, has just issued…

Jews For Jesus Speaker
On Sunday morning, March 22, a representative from Jews for Jesus will be coming to Family Life Church. He will demonstrate a Passover Celebration for us, showing how the ministry of Jesus is in every part of a Jewish Passover! For more information about the Passover celebration, click here:

Prayer for Sudan
Jonathan Hall, Director of Foursquare Missions sends this urgent prayer request to all the churches: “As a probable result of the arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court for Omar al-Bashir (the president of Sudan, who will likely stand trial for crimes against humanity and war crimes) many aid organizations are being expelled by the Sudanese government from Darfur and other locations in north and east Sudan. This will leave scores of men, women and children without food, medicine…

Teacher’s Training Convention
Sharpen your skills as a teacher, small group leader or parent on Friday and Saturday, March 27-28 in Arlington Heights, IL, at the Midwest Teaching & Discipleship Convention. You may attend Friday, Saturday, or both days. Family Life Church will subsidize expenses for everyone who goes, so it will only cost you $25. Please contact the church office very quickly so your registration can be processed.

Men of Purity Weekend
Pure Life Ministries is presenting a “Men of Purity” weekend in the Waukegan area (Zion, IL), on May 1-2, 2009. With pornography and sexual addiction piercing our culture and coming against us daily, it is critical for all men to be equipped and prepared for dealing with these issues. Just as the Apostle Paul told Timothy to, “Fight the good fight of faith,” we too must be properly equipped to resist the enemy and flee from temptation. All men of…