Posts by Nathan (Page 65)

Who Deserves Our Thanks?
Even the media is mentioning it this year – our need to “be thankful.” What they aren’t suggesting is “Who it is that deserves our thanks.” However, we who have a personal relationship with the God of the universe know this One who deserves our thanks. We are not thankful merely because an American holiday commends us to be so; we are thankful because the Lord of the universe is worthy of all our thanksgiving and praise, three hundred and…

Thanksgiving Eve Service
Join us Wednesday, November 26, for a special Thanksgiving Eve Service. This will be a special time of giving thanks to God on the night before Thanksgiving. After the service pie and ice cream will be enjoyed by all. The event begins at 7pm.

“I Have Found the Secret”
In this society of instant-gratification, we often struggle with the issue of Contentment. Join us this Sunday as we dissect what exactly the Apostle Paul meant when he said, “I have found the secret of being content.” (Philippians 4:12 NIV)

10 Ways to Pray for Barack Obama
Lee Grady, Editor of Charisma Magazine, recently suggested ten ways to pray for President-Elect Barack Obama. You may find these suggestions helpful: 1. Pray for Obama’s protection. We already know that some weird, neo-Nazi fanatics in Tennessee plotted to kill Sen. Obama during his campaign. Let’s pray that racist hatred is not allowed to spread. Let’s cancel every assassin’s bullet in the name of Jesus. May civility triumph over bigotry. 2. Cover his wife and daughters in prayer. It is…

April 2009 Philippines Trip
Pastor George and Pastor Herman are planning a trip to the Philippines during the last two weeks of April 2009. If you have an interest in joining them, please let them know soon, so that you can stay in the loop as to scheduling and costs. The purpose of the trip is to encourage the Church there as well as help with outreach efforts.

Are Short Missions Trips Worthwhile?
Have you ever wondered how worthwhile short term missions trips are? They can cost large amounts of time, money, energy and can be very challenging to our personal comfort-levels! This week we received word that Mark Bentz, who went with Family Life Church to the Philippines for his very first missions trip a few years ago, is leaving in July 2009, along with his wife, Linda, to serve as missionaries to Kenya for two years! While in Kenya Mark will…

Tres Cruses 1st Anniversary!
Dear Church, This Sunday is the 1st anniversary of the Tres Cruses Foursquare Church, the church that we have helped begin in the Philippines. I have just sent the church a congratulatory email. I decided to send all of you a copy so that you may rejoice! Pastor George Dear Pastor Gil and Nora, On behalf of our church here in Waukegan, we extend to you congratulations on the 1st Anniversary of the Tres Cruses Foursquare Church! We know that…

National Prayer Gathering
Now is the Time to Cover our Nation in Prayer! Join Pastor Jack Hayford for the National Foursquare Church Family Prayer meeting! Connect with the Foursquare family via satellite from hundreds of locations for an essential time of prayer, communion and worship during this important moment in our nation’s history. All Foursquare churches have been invited to participate, and we will join together to understand God’s direction and extend His Kingdom in our country. Many offices will be decided in…

Life Chain Reminder
Good morning everyone! So few in our day will be a voice for the voiceless—and there are none so voiceless as unborn children. Our church has a long history of speaking up for the unborn child and for tangibly helping mothers and families in crisis pregnancies. In the last year we have begun to support CareNet. For years we have sent monthly support to Aid for Women. Also, for close to two decades we have participated in Life Chains. Life…

Life Chain
Sunday, October 5, join us for one hour as we hold a silent “Life Chain” gathering on Washington Street. We will hold up signs such as, “Adoption, the Loving Option”, “Jesus Forgives and Heals”, and “Abortion Kills Children”. This event will immediately follow the Sunday morning service. This annual event takes place nationwide, and Family Life Church has played a part for many years. To find more about the Life Chain organization, visit their website: