Posts by Nathan (Page 67)

Cruses – Roof Fixed!
Pastor Herman reports from Tres Cruses, Philippines: Pastor Gil and Nora’s roof is now repaired (this issue was brought to the church’s attention several weeks ago). In the building where the church meets for services, two new windows, as well as a ceiling fan have been installed. These improvements should greatly improve air circulation on hot, sticky days! Spiritually speaking, there are positive changes occurring in the lives of individuals in the church and in the barrio as a whole…

“Who Are We?” Class
One advantage of not having Sunday school during the summer is that it gives Pastor George a chance to conduct his “Who Are We?” class. This is a class for people who are new to our church or people who have been a part for a long time, but feel a little rusty on aspects of our church like the beliefs and governance. It is ideal for the curious or for young people who are “coming of age.” There is…

Picnic Info
New Date: Saturday, August 16th, 2008 Due to the fact that an inordinate number of families are not available on June 28th for the church picnic, the church council requested that we endeavor to find a new date It was not easy at this point in the year to find an alternative date and site, but thanks to Bill & Linda Walters, we secured a pavilion at Mallard Ridge Park in Lindenhurst. The park offers a pavilion, baseball diamond, volleyball…

Becoming Like Father
Am I a good father? I can only be a good father if I had a father who modeled “good fathering” for me–right? That’s what some people think. But not everyone is privileged to grow up in a home with a good father model. The ideal is always to find a positive role model, but some young boys and men, even after diligently looking to another man to be a positive model, are discouraged to find that even that father…

Picnic Date/Location Change
NEWS ALERT!!!! The 2008 Family Life Church Picnic date and location have been changed. The new date is Saturday, August 16th and the new location is Mallard Ridge Park (110 Robincrest Lane, Lindenhurst, IL). More information is forthcoming.

Carenet Collection
Sunday, June 15 is our next CareNet Collection. Please place any baby items you have brought in the blue box in the foyer. Items requested are: disposable baby diapers, baby wipes, baby shampoo, baby clothing and baby blankets (as well as coupons for baby items).

Pastor Herman’s Father – Home with the Lord
Dear Church, Our family is in California few days visiting Beth’s family, so email has not been real easy. However, I just received an email saying that Tatay Vering, Pastor Herman’s father has gone home to be with Jesus. We are so very thankful that he so clearly professed faith a few months ago. We are also very grateful that so many of his children (Herman, Zaldy, Satur, Nilo, Annie, etc.) were able to go to the Philippines two months…

Home Group Changes
For twenty years on Tuesday evenings, Pastor George and Beth have been hosting a Home Group in their home. They very much believe in the effectiveness of “Home Groups” because they provide an atmosphere for in-depth study of the Word and discussion that is not as easily afforded on Sunday mornings. Home groups also provide opportunity for corporate prayer, mutual support, and greater accountability in order that believers might grow stronger in their walks with Jesus! The time has come…

No Summer Sunday School
All Sunday School classes will be taking a Summer Break (during June, July and August) in order to give everyone a change of pace. But come September we desire to start out with a bang, with better than ever attendance and excitement! Please check back often for info about Fall classes!

Terrible & Tremendous
In the past two weeks alone we have seen untold devastation and death in Asia: starting with Cyclone Nargis in Mynnamar on May 2; then the earthquake in Sichuan Province in China on May 12. If these events were not grievousness enough, add to the list another terrorist attack on May 13 (seven separate bombings killing eighty people) in Jaipur, India. The Bible predicts such events. “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events…