
Vacation Bible School
[fvplayer src=”″] This year’s MEGA SPORTS CAMP VBS program will be taking place July 21-25 from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. Free dinner will be included every night and volunteers are needed! If you would like to help or have any questions, please contact the church office ASAP!

Baptism Service – October 27
Are you interested in getting baptized? If so please contact the church office as soon as possible because we’re planning to have a Baptism service on October 27!

This Sunday: “i hate my life.”
Have you ever felt like your life was beyond hope? Do you ever wonder if you’re so far away from God that He must’ve forgotten about you? Do you ever HATE your life? This Sunday, don’t miss a message about the life of Jacob, a man who physically wrestled with God over his circumstances in life and from that experience, went on to change history! Note: You can download the audio from this message here.

GROW Classes
GROW Classes will resume on Sunday, September 8th. GROW (Getting Rich On the Word) groups provide a “smaller setting” than the Sunday morning service, where questions, discussion and relationship is encouraged. Meeting for one hour (prior to the 10am Worship Service) in areas across the building, there’s a place for every age. Plan now to make GROW a priority for your life and family this fall!

Vacation Bible School
ALL KIDS ARE INVITED! We will be having Vacation Bible School on July 15-19 (9am-11:30 am). If you are interested in helping with VBS — there are still many needs from crafts to games to snacks! – please contact the church office or talk with Abbey Kadera this Sunday!

Just for Women
Every woman is invited, Saturday, June 1, to a gathering JUST FOR WOMEN. It will be in FLC’s Conference Room, from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. with breakfast & childcare provided. With Aksana Kaefer, we will explore “Rebekah” (key scriptures are: Genesis 24 and 25:19-34).

Thinking About Becoming a Member?
We will be receiving new members soon. If you have been thinking about it, please contact the church office! The four simple requirements for membership at Family Life Church are: – You must be at least 9 years of age (though you cannot vote until 18) – You have been baptized in water by immersion – You must be in agreement with the doctrinal statement of the church – You must show evidence of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ

Philippines House Build!
This is a very big week in the life of our church! On Wednesday morning, Herman Ignaco and Mark Jones head to the Philippines to build the new house for Pastor Gil Barcelo and his family. This is the fulfillment of a dream! In case you are new to our church, we helped start the Tres Cruses Foursquare Church in the Philippines. We were soon blessed with Pastor Gil Barcelo who was willing to move his family to Tres Cruses…

Resurrection Weekend
On the weekend of March 29-31, we will be celebrating Christ’s death and resurrection with several events. On Friday, March 29, we will be participating in a community Good Friday service at 7pm (location will be Cornerstone Community Church in Wadsworth). On Sunday, March 31, we will have a free breakfast at 8:30am and a special worship service at 10am. Don’t miss this special weekend of remembrance and worship for what Jesus did for us!

Church Picnic
The annual Church Picnic is THIS SATURDAY, July 27. The hours will be 11am to 6pm at Van Patten Woods, Site D in Wadsworth, IL. The event is FREE for all and guest are very much welcome! More information and directions to the site are located here. Don’t miss it!