Archives (Page 10)

Next Painting Day
“Many hands make light (also bright & cheerful) work.” That’s how the hallways throughout our building now look, thanks to the many willing hands of a number of you who helped paint the NOW COMPLETED HALLWAYS. Thanks for your diligence! The next Paint Day is October 24. Pastor Herman is heading up a refurbishing the flag pole. We look forward to an American flag flying proudly day and night!

GROW Classes Starting Sunday!
The next series of GROW (Getting Rich on the Word) classes will be starting Sunday, September 20. These classes (Sunday School) will be held at 9am for all ages. Last weekend, Most Wanted Youth hosted a GROW Kickoff Breakfast, which was a huge success! You can see photos from the breakfast below:

G.R.O.W. Kickoff 9/13
KICK-OFF TO GROW – SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th! GROW stands for “Getting Rich on the Word” and it’s a one-hour-before-the-service opportunity to meet in small groups together, look at God’s Word, and apply it to our lives (whether we’re very young, very old, or in-between)! Healthy, consistent meals are needed for our bodies (and our spirits) to grow strong. We are committed to your “Getting Rich on the Word” if you are committed to getting up on Sunday mornings and being…

Remodeling Progress
COMING SOON – A LIVE WEBCAM SHOWING REMODELING PROGRESS!!! As we continue to work on remodeling and cleaning of our new building, we will be posting pictures and updates here. Check back here often as much is being done! Recent Pics:

Backpack Update!
Dear Church, Revival Temple was thrilled to receive the backpacks all stuffed and ready-to-go. They are excited about the outreach on Saturday, expecting at least 250 families from North School to attend. In addition to giving out backpacks there will also be free food, a clothing give-away, blood pressure and diabetes screening, a gospel presentation, a prayer station, and plenty of activities for children. With so much to offer, this event has been appropriately named Hopefest. It is clear to…

Church Picnic
Family Life’s Church Picnic date has been finalized and the location secured! July 11 is the date – write it down!! The picnic will be held (same place as last year) at Mallard Ridge Park (110 Robincrest Lane) in Lindenhurst, IL.

Youth Group Camp Fundraiser
A bake sale will be held on Sunday, May 24, to raise money for the youth going to camp! It will be held after the 10am service (outside the gym). Donations will be cheerfully accepted as well!

Holy Week
This year’s Holy Week Events include: Friday, April 10 – 7pm Community Good Friday Service (Cornerstone Community Church) Sunday, April 12 – 8:30 am Breakfast in Gym (all invited, no charge) Sunday, April 12 – 10am Worship Service

Day of Prayer
The next WHEN WE PRAY, Saturday, April 18, will be a little different! There will be a shortened general time of prayer, from 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. After that a Prayer Conference will be held (which includes lunch) and lasts until 2:15 p.m. This event takes place at Chain-O-Lakes Community Bible church in Lake Villa. Cost (for the conference) is $8 at the door. The whole day will be worthwhile, but if your time is limited, plan to come…

“Who Are We?” Class
Sunday mornings from April 19 – May 10, Pastor George will be leading a “Who Are We?” class. The purpose of this class is to introduce people to our church and what we believe. Topics include the history of Foursquare (our denomination), what we believe, how decisions are made, and how finances are handled. There will be lots of time for questions. All are welcome, and there will be no commitment required (you won’t be asked to join our church,…