Archives (Page 12)

Thanksgiving Eve Service
Join us Wednesday, November 26, for a special Thanksgiving Eve Service. This will be a special time of giving thanks to God on the night before Thanksgiving. After the service pie and ice cream will be enjoyed by all. The event begins at 7pm.

“I Have Found the Secret”
In this society of instant-gratification, we often struggle with the issue of Contentment. Join us this Sunday as we dissect what exactly the Apostle Paul meant when he said, “I have found the secret of being content.” (Philippians 4:12 NIV)

National Prayer Gathering
Now is the Time to Cover our Nation in Prayer! Join Pastor Jack Hayford for the National Foursquare Church Family Prayer meeting! Connect with the Foursquare family via satellite from hundreds of locations for an essential time of prayer, communion and worship during this important moment in our nation’s history. All Foursquare churches have been invited to participate, and we will join together to understand God’s direction and extend His Kingdom in our country. Many offices will be decided in…

Life Chain
Sunday, October 5, join us for one hour as we hold a silent “Life Chain” gathering on Washington Street. We will hold up signs such as, “Adoption, the Loving Option”, “Jesus Forgives and Heals”, and “Abortion Kills Children”. This event will immediately follow the Sunday morning service. This annual event takes place nationwide, and Family Life Church has played a part for many years. To find more about the Life Chain organization, visit their website:

When We Pray Event
Saturday, September 20 is the next When We Pray, a quarterly day of prayer for believers in Lake County. It will be held at Christian Assembly of God Church in Zion. Running from 9 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. you are encouraged to come and stay for as long, or little, as you are able. View Larger Map

Church Picnic Photos
The 2008 Church Picnic was a huge success! The facilities were very accommodating to our various interests and everyone had fun getting to know each other better. Special thanks to Bill & Linda Walters for securing the site, Cecilia DeCillo & Zhalom Lingad for organizing details, and the many others who labored long and hard to make the picnic a smashing success! Photos from the picnic can be seen HERE.

Concert: Damascus Road Trio
On Sunday, July 27, Family Life Church will be hosting a free concert by the Damascus Road Trio. This Southern Gospel group will be ministering during the 10am service. Don’t miss out on this special event!

“Who Are We?” Class
One advantage of not having Sunday school during the summer is that it gives Pastor George a chance to conduct his “Who Are We?” class. This is a class for people who are new to our church or people who have been a part for a long time, but feel a little rusty on aspects of our church like the beliefs and governance. It is ideal for the curious or for young people who are “coming of age.” There is…

Picnic Info
New Date: Saturday, August 16th, 2008 Due to the fact that an inordinate number of families are not available on June 28th for the church picnic, the church council requested that we endeavor to find a new date It was not easy at this point in the year to find an alternative date and site, but thanks to Bill & Linda Walters, we secured a pavilion at Mallard Ridge Park in Lindenhurst. The park offers a pavilion, baseball diamond, volleyball…

Carenet Collection
Sunday, June 15 is our next CareNet Collection. Please place any baby items you have brought in the blue box in the foyer. Items requested are: disposable baby diapers, baby wipes, baby shampoo, baby clothing and baby blankets (as well as coupons for baby items).