Archives (Page 2)

Nursery Staff Meeting – 2/24
If you’re involved with the nursery ministry at Family Life Church, please don’t forget the meeting right after the service on Sunday, February 24. It’s very important that you attend!

**UPDATE: Annual Business Meeting
BREAKING: Because of the passing of Pastor Jones’ father on February 4, the church business meeting will be rescheduled and will not be held on 2/10. We will post that date as soon as it is available. On Sunday, February 10, Family Life Church will be holding its annual business meeting. It will be held immediately following the 10am worship service. Besides updating you on the affairs of our church, we will be electing a few people to the church…

Ladies’ Event – Magdalena
The next Magdalena Bible Study will be on Saturday, January 19. All women are invited to this event that includes breakfast and childcare! It will be from 9:00am to 10:30am at our 2313 Washington Street facility. Don’t miss out!

Christmas Luncheon December 16
You are cordially invited to our annual Christmas Luncheon that will follow the morning service on Sunday, December 16. Please bring a favorite Christmas dish to share, so everyone can share a very special meal together!

The Great Christmas Wipe Out!
Last Christmas, we donated a mountain of diapers to the Family Resource Center of Zion. This year, we’re collecting baby wipes! Please purchase baby wipes (in packages of 72-80 each) and place them in the BIG WIPES BOX in the foyer on any Sunday through the month of December (9, 16, 23, and 30)! FRCZ is a not-for-profit organization that provides educational services and resources to empower men and woment ot make informed choices regarding pregnancy and parenting skills. All…

This Sunday: Wheat & Tares
Join us on Sunday, November 25, as Pastor Jones shares a message on Sowing, Growing, and Mowing! To listen to any previous sermons, please visit our Media page HERE.

Kids and Youth Ministries — 3 Weeks Off
Notice: The Wednesday Evening Kids Ministry and Most Wanted Youth Group will be taking three weeks off for the holidays. There will be no events on Wednesday, December 19, December 26, or January 2. These events will resume on Wednesday, January 9.

Thanksgiving Eve Service
Every year, Family Life Church likes to take time to give thanks to God for all of the blessings He’s given to us. Join us this Thanksgiving Eve for this special service of worship and reflection – it will begin at 7pm on Wednesday, 21 and will be followed by a fellowship time with desserts and pies. Don’t miss it!

Tres Cruses Foursquare Church Anniversary
Did you know that this week the Tres Cruses Foursquare Church will celebrate its 5th anniversary? After giving us the vision to plant a church there, the Lord made it a reality when we were led to Pastor Gil and Nora Barcelo. Pastor Gil had previously planted a church in a nearby barrio and felt the call to plant a church in Tres Cruses. Since that time, we helped them build a church building and next year we will be…

Special Guest: Ricky Bueno (10/21)
On Sunday, october 21 at 10am, we will be hosting Ricky Bueno from FrontLine Street Intervention. Joining a gang at age 15, as a way to gain respect, Ricky started robbing and stealing, taking pride in his nickname, “Bandit.” After getting into drugs and alcohol, Ricky eventually dropped out of high school, giving up on becoming a doctor or lawyer; he just wanted to be a gangster. Quickly finding himself in trouble with the law, he ended up in prison…