Archives (Page 3)

Kids & Youth Night!
Starting Wednesday, September 26 (6:30pm – 8:00pm), Most Wanted Youth Ministry and Kids Night will be kicking off! All Kids K-5th grades and Youth 6th-12th grades are invited. The events will feature games, food, worship, and awesome messages. Don’t miss it!

Who Are We? Classes Now!
Have you ever wondered about how our church works or about the denomination we’re a part of? If so, Pastor George’s “Who Are We?” class is perfect for you! Join him for the last two weeks of this special four-week class on September 30 and October 7 at 8:45am. This class is free and no registration is required — just show up!

FRCZ Annual Banquet
You are invited to the Family Resource Center of Zion‘s Annual Banquet on Thursday, October 4. Dinner is complimentary but everyone is encouraged to make a financial gift to the ministry of FRCZ. Please RSVP with the church office by Thursday, September 27 (847-336-0664).

Register to Vote
The last day to vote in Illinois for the November 6 general election is October 9. To find out how to register, go to the Illinois Election Board website here:

Vacation Bible School
THIS WEEK, Vacation Bible School is taking place for children in grades Kindergarten through entering-5th! It will occur Monday (July 9) through Friday (July 13), 9am to 11:30am. This is an awesome opportunity for children to learn more about Jesus in an exciting atmosphere of Bible stories, games, prizes, and snacks. Bring your friends and neighbors!

VBS Volunteering
Want to help kids discover God’s love for them this sumer? Whether or not you are available during the week of Vacation Bible School (July 9-13), you can still help in toher ways! Corrie Jones is coordinating VBS and you can contact the church office to find out what you can do to help. Note: Anyone who will be working during the week of VBS needs to attend one of the two training sessions. They will be held on Saturday,…

Church Picnic – July 21
Make sure you reserve Saturday, July 21st on your calendar! We will be having our annual Church Picnic at Van Patten Woods, Shelter B, from 11a.m. — sunset. Be sure to invite friends and family members as this is a great event to fellowship and get a feel for our church, outside of the church building.

Men’s Gathering – September 21
Men, the Heartland District Men’s Gathering (September 21-22, 2012) has an Early-Bird Special of $125. You can make checks payable to FLC and give them SOON to Pastor George, to get this rate. Last year there were 250 men—we are certain of 400 this year. Do not miss out! Bring your sons (high school and up)! Bring your father!

Passion Week
Passion Week is the most important celebration of the year for Jesus’ followers! Below is our schedule for this week. These events would be perfect for inviting friends to!! – Community Good Friday Service – Friday, April 6 (7:00 pm) – Early Prayer – Saturday, April 7 (7:30-8:30 am) – Resurrection Day Breakfast – Sunday, April 8 (8:30 am) (No GROW groups) – Resurrection Day Worship – Sunday, April 8 (10am) – Easter Egg hunt for children 11 & under…

Good Friday Service
You are invited to our annual Community Good Friday Service, April 6th at 7:00 p.m. It will be held at Cornerstone Community Church (40413 North Delany Rd. in Wadsworth, IL). This is a wonderful gathering of several different churches in the area. Our church is performing a drama in this event.