Archives (Page 4)

Spaghetti Fundraiser – April 1
On Sunday, April 1, following the service, join us for a Spaghetti Lunch Fundraiser in the gym! Enjoy a fantastic lunch, lots of great fellowship, plus help support our kids who want to go to camp this summer. The meal is free, but cash donations will be delightfully accepted!

Les Lee – Special Speaker
The weekend of March 10-11 Pastor Les Lee is coming! He will meet with the men on Saturday night at 5pm (Free Pizza will be served!), and then be speaking in service, on Sunday morning at 10am. Les Lee was a Foursquare pastor and mens leader for many years and most recently, started a large annual Men’s Conference in Lake Geneva.

Sexuality Series
On Sunday, March 18, Pastor Jones be continuing his “SEXUALITY” sermon series. The previous messages are all available online (or you may purchase CDs of the messages for $2 on Sunday mornings). The book mentioned in sermons 3 & 4 is titled, “The Complete Christian Guide to Understanding Homosexuality” by Joe Dallas and Nancy Heche and is available from Amazon. The book mentioned in sermons 1 & 2 is titled, “Fatal Attractions” by Jack Hayford and is available from Amazon.

Passover Seder – March 18
What was it like, sitting at the table at “The Last Supper?” Sunday, March 18, at 6 p.m. you’ll get a chance to find out by coming to FLC’s Messianic Passover Seder. Enjoy a full (traditional) Passover meal and discover how Jesus really is our Savior, the Messiah!

2012 Congregational Meeting
A congregational meeting is scheduled for Sunday, February 12, at 12pm (immediately after the morning service). All are welcome to attend and participate, although only official church members will be allowed to vote for council members. We hope you join us for this important meeting!

Men’s Breakfast
CALLING ALL MEN to breakfast on Saturday, January 14 at 9:00 a.m. at FLC’s Café. This is For Men Only — the start of something BIG – that you don’t want to miss out on!! Ingrid Marlowe is cooking, so you KNOW it’s going to be good!

Rock of Israel Speaker
On Sunday, January 15, we will be hearing from a staff member from Rock of Israel Ministries. The purpose and mission of Rock of Israel is to share the Gospel with God’s chosen people, the Jews, and to motivate believers around the world to evangelize the Jewish people through an understanding of Yeshua ha Meshiach, Jesus the Messiah.

Advent Season
There are lots of events going on this Christmas season and we want you to be able to participate in as many of them as possible! For that reason, we’re making this page available for you to easily look and see what’s up next. The following events are coming up – make sure they’re on your calendar! November 26 – 12pm (Noon) – Church Christmas Decorating November 27 – 10am – Service (1st Sunday in Advent) December 4 – 10am…

Talent Wanted – Christmas Program
YOU are the featured artist, Sunday, December 18, at 10:00 am for Family Life’s annual Christmas Program! That’s right, you are invited to prepare a song, dramatic portion, or other creative rendering. Requirements: 1) It must focus on Christ’s coming to earth at Christmas and 2) It must not go beyond 5 minutes in length. Ask God for creative ideas and then sign up on the Sign-Up Sheet on the foyer table!

Holiday Diaper Drive
As a SPECIAL HOLIDAY DRIVE, we are asking you to make a diligent effort to buy extra diapers for moms in our community during December. We want to create a “Mountain of Diapers for FRCZ” which will then be delivered to them in January. Bring the diapers to the church any Sunday through January 1st and contribute to this exciting opportunity!