Archives (Page 5)

Thanksgiving Eve Service
Join us for our annual Thanksgiving Eve Service, Wednesday, November 23 at 7:00 pm. Discover the real reason for the Thanksgiving Holiday! “Oh, that these men would praise the Lord for his loving-kindness, and for all of his wonderful deeds! For he satisfies the thirsty soul and fills the hungry soul with good.” Psalm 107:8-9 TLB Pie and coffee will be served afterwards!

Family Resource Center of Zion
On November 20, we will be having Judy Stall, from the Voice of the Martyrs here with us. VOM’s mission is to serve the persecuted church through practical and spiritual assistance while leading Christians in the free world to support their persecuted brothers and sisters. You don’t want to miss this special opportunity to hear about our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world today and how you can help them! Join us on Sunday, November 13, when we will…

VOM Speaker
On November 20, we will be having Judy Stall, from the Voice of the Martyrs here with us. VOM’s mission is to serve the persecuted church through practical and spiritual assistance while leading Christians in the free world to support their persecuted brothers and sisters. You don’t want to miss this special opportunity to hear about our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world today and how you can help them!

Pastor’s Appreciation Sunday
Sunday, October 30, will be Pastor’s Appreciation Sunday at Family Life Church. You may plan to bring a dish to pass for a luncheon, following the service. See Amor DeLeon or Linda & Bill Walters for more details!

Tres Cruses Church Fundraiser
The “Kill the Fattened Calf” fundraiser will be held on Sunday, October 9, at 6:00 pm. This will be a free dinner event, complete with entertainment for children & adults that you don’t want to miss out on! Donations will be accepted to benefit the new house for the pastor in Tres Cruses, Philippines. We have been working for one year to raise funds to build this house and we hope to begin construction in 2012!

Life Chain – October 2nd
Sunday, October 3, we will be hosting a “Life Chain” event in front of our building, along Washington Street. This is our chance to stand up for the protection of human life in a peaceful, silent way. As we hold signs (in English and Spanish) which endorse the value of unborn life, we will silently pray for our nation.

G.R.O.W. Classes Resume 9/11
On Sunday, September 11, join us as we once again kick off our GROW classes! GROW happens every Sunday (from 8:45am – 9:45am) in classes throughout the building, encouraging every person to grow in their walk with Jesus. Get ready to GROW on Sept. 11, 2011!

Baptism Service
Baptism is an important step for every Christian. Thinking about it, but never quite feel ready? Now is your chance! On Sunday, August 21, we will be having a baptism service. If you have questions or just want to talk about it – call the church office at 847-336-0664.

Church Picnic
On Saturday, July 16th Family Life will host its annual picnic! This year it will be held from 10am to 6pm at Van Patten Woods, Shelter D. This is a great time to invite friends who might not otherwise come to a church building or function! Meat, beverages and tableware will be provided; but you’re welcome to bring a dish to pass. There is no charge but donations will be gratefully accepted!

Vacation Bible School!
Do you have children from Kindergarten through Fifth grade who are available on July 25-July 29? If so, bring them to Vacation Bible School! We are having VBS from 9am to 11:30am that week and it’s guaranteed to be an awesome time that will include games, snacks, teaching and an all around good time! Best of all parents, it’s free! Vacation Bible School Kindergarten-5th grade Monday, July 25- Friday, July 29 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Family Life Church 2313…