Archives (Page 6)

Fielders Game – Aug. 5
Join Family Life Church on August 5 for a Lake County Fielders Game (against the Calgary Vipers) at their new stadium in Zion! More details will be available soon, but mark your calendars soon! The Fielder’s Website

G.R.O.W. Classes off For the Summer
G.R.O.W. classes will not be meeting during the summer months — but don’t stop growing at home (in personal time with God, studying His Word, and discussion about what it means). And why not get together with someone new, in your church family, this summer? You’re either growing or you’re dying!

“Who Are We?” Class
You are Invited! Pastor George is holding a special class titled, “Who Are We?” that will introduce you to Family Life Church. Whether you’ve been coming for a long time or are brand new to Family Life, these classes are a great chance to learn what we’re all about! There will be plenty of question and answer time too. The classes will be held from 8:45am to 9:45am (during the GROW Hour) on May 8, May 15, May 22, and…

Important Summer Events
There are some very important events coming up this summer at Family Life Church! Make sure you mark them on your calendars as you’re not going to want to miss out on these special programs… Fielders Baseball Game – June 17 Kid’s Camp — June 27-July1 Jr. High Camp — July 5-9 Sr. High Camp #1 — July 11-16 Sr. High Camp #2 — July 18-23 Vacation Bible School — July 25-29 Church Picnic — July 16

Easter Week
There will be several events during Holy week that you’ll want to put in your calendars and plan for. First off, we’re participating in a Community Good Friday service on Friday Evening (April 22). Pastor Jones will be giving the message that night, and a team from our church will be leading worship. Secondly, on Easter Sunday we’ll be having a free breakfast at 8:30 am, a worship service at 10am, and an Easter Egg Hunt immediately following the service…

Teacher Training Day
On Saturday, May 14, all teachers (and everyone who provides instruction to others) are encouraged to attend a Teacher Training Party on Saturday, May 14, from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. The purpose of this event is both to give you an opportunity for fellowship but also to inspire and invigorate them in their jobs and workplaces. Whether you are a Sunday School teacher for an hour a week or a full-time teacher, you are sure to benefit from this…

Good Friday Service
On Friday, April 22, at 7:00 p.m. our church will once again participate in a Community Good Friday Service at Cornerstone Community Church in Wadsworth, IL. You don’t want to miss out on this special gathering of many believers from many different churches!

20-Somethings Night of Worship
If you’re between 20 and 29 and looking for something to do next Sunday Night (3/20), join us! We’re going to worship and fellowship together at the church at 6pm. Our desire is to start a brand-new ministry aimed directly at this age group, and we want you to be involved with it. Whether you’re new to the church or have been going here a long time, this would be a great time to get involved and get connected with…

Spaghetti Dinner
After church on Sunday, March 27, everyone is invited to a Spaghetti Lunch in the gym. Enjoy a fantastic lunch, lots of great fellowship, plus help support our kids who want to go to camp this summer! The meal is free, but we are asking for donations for Summer Camp.

FRCZ Needs Summer Baby Clothes!
Ladies, as you are shopping and notice sales . . . keep in mind that the Family Resource Center of Zion (FRCZ) could use summer baby clothes (through size #3). We have a monthly collection for FRCZ and it would be fantastic if we could bless lots of single moms with clothes for their little ones!