Archives (Page 7)

Have you been Baptized?
If you have never been baptized in water . . . what’s stopping you? Pastor George would be happy to discuss it with you. Call the church office at 847.336.0664. Like the Ethiopian eunuch said in Acts 8:36, “Look, here is water. Why shouldn’t I be baptized?”

Annual Business Meeting
The annual business meeting of our church will be held on Sunday, February 13, following the morning worship service. Besides updating you on the affairs of our church, we will be electing a few people to the church council. Two people have accepted nominations: Ruben Valdez & Nathan Jones. If you are not a member of Family Life Church and would like to be, please contact the church office. There are three basic requirements: you must be in agreement with…

Day of Prayer
On January 29, the next “When We Pray” prayer event will be held in Waukegan. From The Sign of the Dove Church, Christians from all over the county will gather together in prayer for this area, nation, and world. This quarterly event will begin at 9am and go until 12 noon. The church is located here.

No G.R.O.W. Classes This Sunday
In light of the Christmas holiday the day before, there will be no G.R.O.W. classes on Sunday, December 26. We will be having a 10am service, but that will be the only event taking place that day.

LIVE! from Bethlehem
On Sunday, December 19, LIVE FROM BETHLEHEM is coming to Family Life Church! This is a special Christmas production the children and youth of our church are involved in. At the conclusion, a Christmas luncheon will be enjoyed together. Plan, now, to invite your family and friends for this special service at 10am!

Thanksgiving Eve Service
Join us on Wednesday, November 24 (Thanksgiving Eve) at 7:00 pm as we give thanks to the Lord together! This is an annual event at Family Life – a brief service followed with pie and ice cream in the gym. All are welcome and invited to come and share in this special time of thanksgiving and worship.

Election this Tuesday 10/2
“The most common reason people give for not voting is that they were too busy or had conflicting work or school schedules.” (Jeff Miller) On this Tuesday, November 2nd, don’t be one of these. Cherish YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE and make it a priority! To see a Voter Guide (showing where candidates stand on big items) published by the Illinois Family Institute, click here.

Love & War: Marriage DVD Series
LOVE & WAR SERIES “With refreshing openness that will grab you from their first words, bestselling authors John and Stasi Eldredge candidly discuss their own marriage and the insights they’ve gained from the challenges they’ve faced.” That is what’s in store for us, in this DVD Series from 6:00-7:30 p.m. on Sunday, December 5. There will be eight different sessions, over the next four months – this is something every marriage will benefit from!

Study on “The Shack”
Starting Saturday, October 16, at 5:00 p.m. there will be a new series led by Bill & Linda Walters. It will be a discussion of various aspects of the novel, The Shack, and how these relate with what the Bible teaches us about God. For more information about this event, please contact the church office.

Life Chain 10/3
Sunday, October 3, there will be a “Life Chain” outside, along Washington Street. This is our chance to stand up for the “protection of human life” in a peaceful, silent way. As we hold signs (in English and Spanish) which endorse the value of unborn life, we will silently pray for our nation.