Archives (Page 9)

Baptism Service
A Baptism service is planned for Sunday, February 21. If you have never been baptized and would like to be, please mention your desire to Pastor George. Baptism is a very important step in following Jesus: “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned” (Mark 16:16-17 NIV).

Primary Election – 2/2/10
The Illinois Primary Election is scheduled for Tuesday, February 2nd. As Christians we have a privilege and responsibility to go to the polls, voting as a Christian and not as Democrat, Republican or Green. If you want to know where various candidates stand on moral issues that are important to followers of Jesus, please click on your congressional district at this website:

Child Safety Training
Our church takes very seriously the safety and well being of children.

Financial Freedom
Do you long to experience true financial freedom? Do you want a transformed life, reduced stress, an improved marriages, and to draw closer to Christ through the application of biblical financial principles? If so, then this series is exactly what you need! Family Life Church taking the month of January to journey through this series together on Sunday mornings, and for those interested, in a small group setting on Wednesday nights. FINANCIAL FREEDOM is a great way to start your 2010!

Congregational Meeting
The annual congregational meeting is scheduled for Sunday, February 14th, immediately after the service. Everyone is welcome to attend and participate, though only official members of Family Life Church may vote. If you are not yet a member of Family Life Church and would like to become one, please contact the church office as soon as possible. He would gladly answer any questions that you might have.

Christmas Luncheon
Next Sunday (as part of our Advent Season celebration), on Sunday, December 13, a Christmas Luncheon is planned for everyone, immediately following the morning service. Plan now to bring your favorite “Christmas dish” to share. This is always a special celebration which our church family enjoys!

Thanksgiving Eve Service
One of the many traditions at Family Life Church is an annual Thanksgiving Eve service. This is a special time of giving thanks to God on the night before Thanksgiving. On November 25th, at 7:00 p.m. this worship service will be held, and afterward, pie and ice cream will be served. “Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men . . .” Psalms 107:8 NIV

Most Wanted Lock-In
This Friday, November 20, Most Wanted Youth will be hosting a lock in at our Washington Street facility. It will start at 6:00 pm and go through 11:00am Saturday morning. In addition, the youth from Revival Temple in Waukegan will be joining them for this event. For more info, please contact the church office.

We Salute Our Veterans
To all the veterans who have so willingly given of themselves on behalf of our nation, we salute you.

Special Worship Night
A very special evening of Prayer, Praise, Fellowship & Food will be held Sunday, November 1, at 6:00 p.m. at Revival Temple (228 N. County St. Waukegan). This is in place of the usual quarterly day of prayer (which had to be cancelled due to a conflict).