Events (Page 3)

Christmas Schedule 2016
We have several very special events planned this Christmas season! Sunday, December 11 10am – Children’s Presentation 12noon – Christmas Luncheon Sunday, December 18 3:30pm – Christmas Caroling at Glenlake Terrace Family Christmas Services Saturday, December 24 at 4pm Sunday, December 25 at 10am

Easter Events
We have several events planned for Holy Week 2016. This would be a great time to invite friends, neighbors, or coworkers to celebrate Easter! 3/25 Community Good Friday Service 7pm 3/27 Free Easter Breakfast 8:30am 3/27 Easter Worship Service 10am

Christmas Caroling
Is your larynx in working order? Also known as a “voice box”, your larynx enables you to speak, shout, squeak, and sing. In other words, to make joyful sounds! Once a year we have a chance to make sounds that proclaim God’s coming to Earth. It doesn’t even take much courage to do this! Join us on Sunday, December 20 at 3:30pm for Christmas Caroling at GlenLake Terrace Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (directions). It just takes a working larynx and…

Church Picnic
On Saturday, July 25, we will be having our annual Church Picnic! You do not want to miss this exciting day full of great food and fellowship! The picnic will be held at Van Patten Woods (Site B) from 11am to 7pm. The event is FREE so feel free to bring friends!

Camp Hickory Spring Clean Up
On April 17-18, our local Camp Hickory will be having a Spring Clean Up day. If you’d like to participate, please call 815-823-6929 or email Mandee above!

Easter 2015
We have a lot of events planned for the next few weeks. This would be a great time to invite friends, neighbors, or coworkers to celebrate Easter! 4/3 Good Friday Service 7pm 4/5 Free Easter Breakfast 8:30am 4/5 Easter Worship 10am 4/18 Spring Clean Up – Camp Hickory 4/19 Fellowship Dinner after the service (Noon)

2015 Annual Meeting
Our Annual Church Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 8, immediately after the morning service. Part of the business of the meeting will be to elect three new council members to replace three whose terms are expiring. The following five people graciously accepted the nomination by the church council to run for these three openings: Tom Commons, Aksana Jones, Karen Meintzer, Georgia Mullins and Bill Walters. Be praying that God leads and please don’t miss this important meeting!

Join us Sunday, November 9, as special guest, Cicoff once again joins us! Cicoff is a performer and communicator extraordinaire, who has an exceptional ability to capture the attention of today’s visually oriented society. His high-energy and entertaining presentations are a perfect blend of instruction, insight and artistic expression that will leave the audience with an unforgettable experience. This will be a great time to invite friends to our service, especially kids!

Bless A Missionary Family this Christmas!
November 2 – November 23, we will be receiving a special Christmas offering for our missionary families! You can simply designate your gift “FMI CHRISTMAS GIFT” and place it in the offering. You may also send a Christmas card or a video greeting to a missionary at:

Set Apart Motherhood Conference
Set apart motherhood means diligently seeking to become the mothers God has called us to be, one step at a time. Our job is not to try to become supermoms or Proverbs 31 women in our own strength. Our job is to surrender to God without reserve and to trust Him with every detail of this heavenly calling. No matter how ill-equipped you may feel as a mother, God has a beautiful purpose for your motherhood role, and He desires…