Featured Articles

Philippines Relief Efforts
In the weeks following Typhoon Haiayn, a super typhoon that killed thousands and has left hundreds of thousands displaced, Foursquare has been assisting in the relief effort with boots on the ground. There are 1900 Foursquare churches in the Philippines with 45 in the island of Tacloban, the hardest-hit area. On December 1, we shared the below video from Foursquare about some of the efforts they’re helping with. If you would like to donate towards Foursquare’s relief efforts, please visit:…

On Mother’s Day…
At the age of sixteen, my mother lost her mother. For that reason (and because I had a bad view of God back then) I also feared losing my mother when I was sixteen. Mercifully, God blessed me with 37 years beyond sixteen to enjoy life with my Mom. I had many more birthdays and Mother’s Days to tell her how much I loved her. In reflecting on her life, I realize how my mother’s trust in God enabled her…

What’s in the Pastor’s Office Now?
If you ever walk through my office at church you are likely to notice an interesting assortment of objects on my bookcase. For example, you wouldn’t expect to find a Warren Buffett bobblehead, now would you? A recent addition is an old glass insulator from a telephone pole. Most of the objects have some kind of meaning to me and I enjoy them. This week I remembered to place a very special figurine for the Christmas season. Someone gave it…

Jesus on a Jet Ski?
Our family has just returned from a very fine vacation to the east coast. Our farthest destination was Ocracoke Island on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. One of the most fun things we did was jet ski! We rented two jet skis and all but one of us enjoyed an hour of doing wide circles at 50 mph in the causeway. As we sped around the causeway, I found myself wondering if Jesus would jet ski? If He had…

Motherhood & Margaritas!
Maybe you read the story out of Texas this week of the young mother who was jailed after allegedly leaving her 2-year-old in a hot car while she was inside a restaurant drinking chilled margaritas. Jessica Christian was charged with child abandonment after police say she left her young son in the car with the engine off and the car windows cracked for about forty minutes. The outside temperature was 83 and the windows were cracked, but still the temperature…

Character Assassination of God
We are accustomed to character assassination. The media loves to jump on a rising star (particularly a conservative who aspires to public office) and find serious flaws in their character or life. In this world, there is NO ONE who has their character assassinated more than God. He is accused of delighting in causing suffering of every kind, as though He delights in human suffering. How often have you heard someone blame God for tragedy? How often have you been…

In Fearful Times, God is Still Faithful
Today we remember a terrorist attack ten years ago, on U.S. soil, which culminated in the death of 2,996 persons. Though the sights and sounds and emotions are still vivid in our memory, these are not so different from the memories of countless generations before us. Eighty years ago this week, a baby girl was born in the Philippines. It was only two days later that Japan invaded Manchuria, China (marking the start of World War II to many). By…

Six Thousand and Thirteen Fallen
SIX THOUSAND THIRTEEN FALLEN (as of 5/26/11) These are not just numbers but individuals who had families and friends; individuals who had bodies that were healthy and strong and brave. These are souls who Jesus died for, and who are now in eternity. These are our American military casualties of the past ten years, from Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom — the newest ones whom we remember this Memorial Day. May we never take their sacrifice (or all…

Finally {mothers} “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me — put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” (Philippians 4:8-9 NIV) The Apostle Paul wrote this (not just to “mothers” but to all the church) at Philippi. Paul…

Rethinking our Cell Phones
Are you old enough to remember the days before cell phones? Contrary to popular belief, life was survivable. I’ve had to remind myself of this the past month, since Waukegan instituted its Cell Phone Ban for Drivers. I’m certainly re-thinking, before I flip open my phone while driving, lest I be ticketed and fined. Maybe it’s time we all did some “re-thinking” about our cell phones. I wonder… what if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone? …