Featured Articles (Page 2)

What is My Part, Lord?
Once upon a time there were four brothers who attended the same church — Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. When the Pastor announced a “special project to help their sister church in the Philippines” Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. In the end, Everybody…

Spring is Here!
Whew – we officially made it through another winter in the Midwest. From this point on, even if we have more snow, we watch the buds start forming on the trees and we get excited. We know the end is in sight — warmer weather is coming! Jesus describes a fig tree’s twigs getting tender and its leaves coming out in the spring. He says, “Even so, when you see these things, you know that it is near, right at…

What is the Message of Lent?
“Mardi Gras” and “Fat Tuesday” are “celebrated” by some just before the start of Lent. Some view them as a last chance to “be really bad” before repenting of one’s sins (on Ash Wednesday) and then with renewed devotion and discipline “being good again” for Lent. Sadly, the Christian tradition of Lent has become polluted. The message the culture has gotten is, “You can live like you want as long as you do your yearly religious requirement at Lent.…

My True Valentine
My True Valentine “He had equal status with God but didn’t think so much of himself that he had to cling to the advantages of that status no matter what. Not at all. When the time came, he set aside the privileges of deity and took on the status of a slave, and became human! Having become human, he stayed human. It was an incredibly humbling process. He didn’t claim special privileges. Instead, he lived a selfless, obedient life and…

Giving Gifts Out of Obligation?
For some of us at this time of year, every time we pass it, we “toss a coin into the kettle.” We feel a pang of guilt if we don’t (especially if our carts or arms happen to be overflowing with shopping bags). We “toss our coin” out of a sense of obligation. I wonder–do we do the same with some people on our “gift list?” Whether loved ones or friends, do we sometimes find ourselves giving, only out of…

Reflection During the Christmas Season
The first time Christ came to earth was as a baby. The second time will be as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Christ’s first and second comings are our focus at Christmas and also our challenge. It’s a challenge because at Christmas we are bombarded with consumerism, constant busyness, and anxiousness. It’s a challenge because “our culture” doesn’t even acknowledge it has a need, much less a need for Jesus Christ, the Savior. To imply that Jesus…

Life Chain Pics
On Sunday, October 3, we hosted a “Life Chain” along Washington Street in Waukegan. We held up signs (in English and Spanish) about protecting human life. Not only were we hoping to send a message to the community but we were also silently praying for our community and country. Thanks to everyone who participated! [nggallery id=4]

VBS Photos
During the week of July 19-23, we held a Vacation Bible School program for kids aged K-5th grades. Below are some photos from this event — thanks to everyone who helped out during this action-packed week! [nggallery id=3]

Why We Are in the Parade
WHY WE ARE IN THE PARADE Today’s Independence Day Parade is probably Waukegan’s biggest event for the year. Though budgetary cuts caused the city to cancel other annual traditions, they left the parade on the schedule. The theme of the parade is “Making History.” Family Life Church has been making history in the lives of Waukegan residents for 81 years. We are a multi-cultural, multi-generational body of people whose lives are being transformed by the saving power of the Lord…

Advice to a Daughter about Her Father
(Advice Given to a Daughter about Her Father) My dear friend, The problem with your father is that he is a man. Now, don’t hold that against him; God (not your Dad) decided that issue a long time ago. But since fathers are men, maybe it’s time you understood a little more about “how men think.” First of all, men are not always the best at communicating their feelings or showing their emotions. It doesn’t mean they don’t have any,…