Featured Articles (Page 3)

What’s the Big Deal about Easter?
Welcome to Family Life Church this Easter Sunday morning! You are not alone in coming to church today. According to conservative estimates, there are 2.1 billion Christians around the world. That means that, today, millions and millions of people (like you and me) are sitting in crowded churches, beside family, friends and even strangers, singing songs, praying, and listening to sermons. But why do people do this? What is the big deal about Easter, anyway? The big deal is this…

Is My Faith True?
This morning Christmas trees are lit, wreaths and banners are hung, and an Advent wreath with candle is also lit. Why decorate so early, you ask? Because today marks the beginning of the season when we recall Christ’s coming, two thousand years ago, to planet earth. If you ever have the thought, as I occasionally do, “How do I know my faith is really true?” you are not alone. Most of us have occasional doubts about the reality of our…

Being a Voice for the Unborn
Who are the ones affected by abortion? Well, there’s the child; the mother; the father; the grandparents and extended family; the friends; the medical staff; the legislators and leaders; those who will make the profit; and those who will suffer the loss. In one way or another every citizen suffers the effects when a nation loses sight of the supreme value of every human life. As Christians, we our responsible to pray for our nation and that the heart of…

“Fire in My Heart” by Pastor George
Even though summer has bypassed Chicagoland, I had a strong taste of it this week as I spent the week in Southern California, enjoying 95+ degree temperatures and even the fragrance of the nearby Station Fires in Los Angeles. I sensed renewed “fire in my heart” as I gleaned from the life and ministry of Pastor Jack Hayford. Along with about 40 other senior pastors, I participated in one of Jack Hayford’s Schools of Pastoral Nurture. It was paid for…

Abortion in Illinois
PRAISE GOD THAT THIS PAST TUESDAY, for the first time since Roe vs. Wade was decided, Illinois parents will be entitled to notification before their minor daughters are taken for abortions. The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit has dissolved the federal injunction against the Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act. This decision is the culmination of four years work by the Thomas More Society (TMS), particularly TMS Special Counsel Paul Linton. The Parental Notice Act (approved…

Moving Day… A Huge Success!
Thanks to all who lent a hand at yesterday’s moving day! Items were moved from our Chestnut Street building as well as from a rented storage unit. It was quite an “exhilarating feeling” knowing we are actually moving into 2313 Washington Street, after all the years of waiting. Now, though there is much to do, we proceed carefully and prayerfully, that our focus throughout be to bring glory to the Lord Jesus!

Are You Passionate for the Passion?
It is A.D. 2009 with Holy Week less than two weeks away. Are you feeling excited? Millions of Christians worldwide will recall the events from around A.D. 30 — the crucifixion, burial and resurrection from the dead of Jesus Christ. Now, more than ever, in the midst of global crises, Christians will gather together to worship the Living God. Why? Because this God was willing to sacrifice Himself in order to rescue messed-up, selfish, hopeless people who are powerless in…

On Economic Issues, from Jack Hayford
Dear Church, I know there is a great deal of concern in every circle about economic realities in the United States and throughout the world. These matters are touching very close to home, with many of us being personally affected. It is important that we maintain a Godly perspective so that we can have all of the peace that children of God may expect to have (Isaiah 26:3). The president of the Foursquare Church, Pastor Jack Hayford, has just issued…

“Why Do We Love?”
Written by Samantha Steinke for her school newspaper, Christian Life Chronicle Have you ever asked the question “Why do we love?” I know that I have. I’ve asked myself time and time again why I feel the way I do about certain people. Quoting from Jane Austin’s book, Sense and Sensibility, “Is love a fancy or a feeling?” We all have people in our lives that we love in one way or another, whether they are a close family member,…

Prayer for Illinois
January 29, 2009 marked a sad day for the state of Illinois ~ her first impeachment of a governor. Though some would say, “It’s finally over; now we can get on with business,” in our anxiousness to resume state government let’s not underestimate the grievousness of these events. As God’s people, we do grieve over the sins of mankind, especially because we know our own sinfulness. Now, as our new governor asks for our prayers, may we do just that–…