Church News (Page 3)

Status of the Building Purchase
As you know, we were supposed to “close” on the purchase of the Shelia Daniels building on April 15. The closing has been delayed because of ongoing inspections and requirements that Foursquare is requesting. The Sign of the Dove, owners of the property, have graciously extended the deadline for closing. I would like to see us close by May 15. Please keep this in regular prayer. –Pastor George Jones

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Important Building Update
Dear Church, After renting the Shelia Daniels Academy for over seven years, the opportunity is upon us to purchase the building! Pastor Harry Stackhouse of The Sign of the Dove has contacted me and indicated that they would like the sale to happen quickly. They may even rent it back from us for the last few months of this present school year. What has made all this possible is the collapse of their roof on 10th Street back in November.…

New Spanish Service – Rosemont
On an interesting note, Pastor Mario Solarzano has just starting having a Spanish Service on Sunday mornings at a hotel near O’Hare airport. Both Ruben Valdez Jr. and Sr. have both been very instrumental in the launching of this church and several others Pastor Solarzano has started in the Chicagoland area.

Thursday Night Home Group – Change
Because of a schedule conflict, the Thursday Night Home Group has temporarily moved to the Shelia Daniels Academy (2313 Washington, Waukegan). The starting time is still 7:00 p.m.

Church Membership
If you are not an official member of Family Life Church, this is a good time to consider joining because it will afford you the privilege of voting at the upcoming Congregational Meeting (February 15). Pastor George would be happy to explain how to become a member of Family Life Church.

Christmas Program DVD
DVDs of December 14th’s Christmas Program are available! If you are interested, they are $7 each. Please see the media team on Sunday for your copy!

Christmas Greetings from Tres Cruses
Pastor Gil Barcelo, the pastor of the Tres Cruses Church that we have helped plant in the Philippines, extends Christmas greetings to our whole congregation. They thank the Lord for giving them strength and victory over the past few months. Some of their plans, like medical and dental mission, which were part of their first anniversary celebration, did not materialize due lack of finances. They also postponed water baptism to give the members more time to be rooted in the…

Atlanta Conference Deadline
Women desiring to attend the Atlanta Conference in February – your $350 deposit is due Sunday, December 7th along with the completed blue registration form (checks should be made out to FLC & given to Beth Jones). The balance of money is due the week of departure.

Christmas Program Rehearsals
Christmas Program Rehearsals are scheduled for Saturday, December 6 and December 13, at 2:00 p.m. at SDCA. All participants are asked to attend these practice times. If this is a conflict, please notify Cecilia Decillo or Tyiesha Sempa.