Church News (Page 4)

April 2009 Philippines Trip
Pastor George and Pastor Herman are planning a trip to the Philippines during the last two weeks of April 2009. If you have an interest in joining them, please let them know soon, so that you can stay in the loop as to scheduling and costs. The purpose of the trip is to encourage the Church there as well as help with outreach efforts.

Are Short Missions Trips Worthwhile?
Have you ever wondered how worthwhile short term missions trips are? They can cost large amounts of time, money, energy and can be very challenging to our personal comfort-levels! This week we received word that Mark Bentz, who went with Family Life Church to the Philippines for his very first missions trip a few years ago, is leaving in July 2009, along with his wife, Linda, to serve as missionaries to Kenya for two years! While in Kenya Mark will…

Tres Cruses 1st Anniversary!
Dear Church, This Sunday is the 1st anniversary of the Tres Cruses Foursquare Church, the church that we have helped begin in the Philippines. I have just sent the church a congratulatory email. I decided to send all of you a copy so that you may rejoice! Pastor George Dear Pastor Gil and Nora, On behalf of our church here in Waukegan, we extend to you congratulations on the 1st Anniversary of the Tres Cruses Foursquare Church! We know that…

Life Chain Reminder
Good morning everyone! So few in our day will be a voice for the voiceless—and there are none so voiceless as unborn children. Our church has a long history of speaking up for the unborn child and for tangibly helping mothers and families in crisis pregnancies. In the last year we have begun to support CareNet. For years we have sent monthly support to Aid for Women. Also, for close to two decades we have participated in Life Chains. Life…

Walk for Life – CareNet
If you could save a life, would you? Saturday, September 20, plan to join Care Net Family Resource Center on a Walk for Life. It will begin at 8:30 a.m. at Christ Community Church (2500 Dowie Memorial Drive in Zion). Contact the Church Office for details.

CareNet Fundraiser
Eat at Culvers on Tuesday, August 12, and support Care Net. That’s right — eat at Culvers (Zion or Pleasant Prairie) from 4 – 8:00 p.m. and Care Net will receive 10% of your order. What an easy way to treat the family plus bless the Care Net Resource Center in Zion! The two participating Culver locations are Zion (3335 Sheridan Road) and Pleasant Prairie (10484 Corporate Drive).

Church Work Day
On Saturday, July 26, a Church Work Day is planned at our Chestnut Street building. This is a great time to “share some elbow grease and some fellowship” with your church family. All ages welcome. A super lunch will be provided. The event will run from 9-3 p.m. MAP: View Larger Map

Pastor Solόrzano Receives Visa!
¡Buenas Noticias! (Good News!) Pastor Mario & Judy Solόrzano received their visas to come work with us in planting some Hispanic churches in Chicagoland. The plan will be to begin these in Aurora, Chicago Heights, and Waukegan. Praise God, their visa process went smoothly! It is happening! They will fly here around August 1st!

Two Church Weddings
Two couples took vows yesterday (7/19) entering the covenant of marriage. Lisa Booth married Robert Asbell (Pastor George officiated). Robert Macier married Julia Derouen. (Robert is the son of Jonda Mitchell and relative of the greater Commons/Mullins/Steinke families). May God’s grace be upon these two new marriages!

Cruses – Roof Fixed!
Pastor Herman reports from Tres Cruses, Philippines: Pastor Gil and Nora’s roof is now repaired (this issue was brought to the church’s attention several weeks ago). In the building where the church meets for services, two new windows, as well as a ceiling fan have been installed. These improvements should greatly improve air circulation on hot, sticky days! Spiritually speaking, there are positive changes occurring in the lives of individuals in the church and in the barrio as a whole…