Podcast (Page 16)

Message: “Before and After”
Continuing his series on Philippians, Pastor George gave a message titled, “Before and After” on Sunday, June 25, 2017.

Message: “All Tens”
Pastor George continued his series from the book of Philippians on June 18, 2017, with a message titled, “All Tens”.

Message: “Working Out our Salvation with Fear & Trembling”
Sunday, June 11, 2017, Pastor George continued his series from the book of Philippians with a message on “Working Out our Salvation with Fear & Trembling”

Message: “Church: The Proving Ground for Love”
On Sunday, May 28, 2017, Pastor George continued his series on the book of Philippians with a message titled, “Church: The Proving Ground for Love”.

Message: “God’s Presence”
On Sunday, May 21, 2017, Andy Opie gave a message titled, “God’s Presence”.

Message: “A Win-Win Situation”
Pastor George gave a message titled, “A Win-Win Situation” on Sunday, May 14, 2017.

Message: “Passionate for the Gospel?”
Pastor George’s message from May 7, 2017, titled, “Passionate for the Gospel?”

Message: “We Need Each Other”
Sunday, April 30, 2017, Pastor George gave a passionate message beginning his new series on the book of Philippians titled, “We Need Each Other”.

Message: Bill Walters
On Sunday, April 23, 2017, Bill Walters gave the morning message.

Message: “Cancellation of Debt”
On Easter Sunday, April 16, 2017, Pastor George gave a message titled, “Cancellation of Debt”.