Podcast (Page 32)

Message: “Down With Religion!”
On Sunday, March 23, 2014, Pastor Jones gave a message titled, “Down With Religion!”

Message: “Two Options for Sexual Passion”
Sunday, March 16, 2014, David Zumwalt gave the Sunday morning message titled, “Two Options for Sexual Passion” (1 Corinthians 7: 1-16).

Message: “Run from Sexual Immorality”
Pastor Jones’ message from March 9, 2014, titled, “Run from Sexual Immorality”.

Message: “Lawsuits in the Church”
On March 2, 2014, Pastor Jones gave a message on Lawsuits in the Church from the early church in 1 Corinthians.

Message: “Dealing with the Unthinkable”
Pastor Jones’ message from February 23, 2014, titled, “Dealing with the Unthinkable”.

Message: “What Are We Adding to God’s Church?”
Pastor Jones’ message from February 16, 2014, titled, “What Are We Adding to God’s Church?”

Message: “The Mind of Christ”
Pastor Jones’ message from February 9, 2014, titled, “The Mind of Christ”.

Message: “Just the Facts!”
Pastor Jones’ message from February 2, 2014, titled, “Just the Facts!”

“Is The Gospel Embarrassing?”
On Sunday, January 26, Pastor Jones gave a message titled, “Is The Gospel Embarrassing?”

Message: “Designer Church”
Pastor Jones’ sermon from January 19, 2014, titled, “Designer Church”.