Podcast (Page 39)

Message: “Light of the World”
Pastor Jones’ message from November 18, 2012, titled, “Light of the World”.

Message: “Salt of the Earth”
Pastor Jones’ sermon from November 4, 2012, titled, “Salt of the Earth”

Message: “Go Home”
On Sunday, October 28, 2012, Pastor Jones gave a message titled, “Go Home (and Tell Your Family How Much God Has Done for You)”.

Message: Ricky Bueno
On Sunday, October 21, Ricky Bueno from FrontLine Street Intervention gave a message to Family Life Church.

Message: “Let’s Go Fishing”
On Sunday, October 14, Pastor Jones gave a message on soul-winning titled, “Let’s Go Fishing!”

Message: “Risk Taking”
On October 7, 2012, Pastor Jones gave a message on faith titled, “Risk Taking”

Message: “Antidote for Discouragement”
On Sunday, September 30, 2012, Pastor George gave a message on depression and discouragement titled, “Antidote for Discouragement”.

Message: “Divine Protection”
Pastor Jones’ message from September 16, 2012, titled, “Divine Protection”.

Message: “My Own Personal Pastor”
Pastor Jones continues his series of character studies with this message titled, “My Own Personal Pastor”. This message was given on September 9, 2012.

Message: “I Am Not Ashamed”
On Sunday, September 2, three people were baptized during the service — this is the message from that service titled, “I Am Not Ashamed”.