
Protected: FLC Christmas in February Program
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March 22, 2020 Online Service
Worship Service – March 22, 2020 from eFamilyLife on Vimeo. Watch on Facebook Here

VBS 2018
Calling all Kids, Kindergarten through 6th Grades! July 23-27th (Monday – Friday) from 6pm to 8:30pm We are having a Kids Adventure Program! This includes Games, Crafts, Songs, Bible Stories, and DINNER every night for FREE! All Kids K-6th Grades are invited and welcome! Event will take place at: Family Life Church 2313 Washington St Waukegan, IL CLICK FOR MAP

Hurricane Relief
Please keep praying for the victims of the hurricanes in Texas & Florida. Texas Governor Greg Abbott & President Trump have both signed proclamations of Prayer for those affected. We will be praying with them! If you wish to donate funds, we would recommend either Foursquare Disaster Relief or Samaritan’s Purse.